- 與雇主發生勞動基準法終止勞動契約、積欠資遣費或退休金之爭議。
- 遭遇職業災害,雇主未給與補償或賠償。
- 雇主未依勞工保險條例或就業保險法辦理加保或投保薪資以多報少。
本項扶助業務已經委託給財團法人法律扶助基金會辦理,您如有需要,可向法扶基金會各地分會詢問,全國法扶專線 412-8518 或至該基金會網站查詢: https://www.laf.org.tw/。
Involved in a Labor Dispute? Don't Panic!
Effective July 1st,2021,The Ministry of Labor will expand its subsidy support for necessary expenses arising from labor disputes.
1. Disputes with employers over the termination of labor contracts, unpaid severance pay or pensions under the Labor Standards Act.
2. The employer fails to provide compensation or indemnity in the event of an occupational accident.
3. Employers fail to apply for additional insurance in accordance with the Labor Insurance Act or under-reported insured salaries of employees under the Employment Insurance Act.
Labor disputes in which workers' rights and interests are damaged due to the above circumstances
If the labor dispute is not resolved after mediation by competent authorities and the labor dispute is subsequently brought to the court for labor mediation or litigation, and if the worker is not financially capable, the Ministry will provide assistance for necessary expenses such as adjudication fees, filing fees, enforcement fees, and witnesses' daily travel expenses to reduce the burden of litigation on the worker.
The Ministry has appointed Legal Aid Foundation to provide legal advice and other services. If you need any further information, please feel free to contact 412-8518, or visit the website at https://www.laf.org.tw/.